
Data Gif Maker

I've created an animated GIF using Data Gif Maker by Google News Labs. Create your own at datagifmaker.withgoogle.com.

Google Data GIF Maker

The Google Data Gif Maker helps journalists make visuals that show share of interest for two competing topics. It is designed for desktop use on Chrome and may ...

Google Data GIF Maker 趨勢可視化工具,將數據線上快速 ...

Google 也看準這一點,近期推出很有趣的線上動態圖製作工具「Data GIF Maker」(趨勢可視化工具),將無趣的數字圖表轉為動態GIFs 格式,讓枯燥乏味的數據真正動起來!

Make your own data gifs with our new tool

2017年5月25日 — Data Gif Maker works like this: · 1. Enter two data points · 2. Add your text · 3. Choose your colors · 4. Choose your explanatory text · 5. Hit “ ...

Using Data GIF Maker to compare data and tell stories

2019年3月5日 — In 2017, we launched the Data GIF Maker tool that makes it easy for people to make simple visuals that compare two terms. Using the tool, people ...

【免費】Data GIF Maker 製作動態圖表工具,以視覺化顯示數據

2021年7月4日 — 【Facebook、Youtube、Twitter、Instagram、Telegram、Line】. 製作簡報圖表,如果能使用動態效果顯示,就能讓視覺呈現更加分。


I'vecreatedananimatedGIFusingDataGifMakerbyGoogleNewsLabs.Createyourownatdatagifmaker.withgoogle.com.,TheGoogleDataGifMakerhelpsjournalistsmakevisualsthatshowshareofinterestfortwocompetingtopics.ItisdesignedfordesktopuseonChromeandmay ...,Google也看準這一點,近期推出很有趣的線上動態圖製作工具「DataGIFMaker」(趨勢可視化工具),將無趣的數字圖表轉為動態GIFs格式,讓枯燥乏味的數據真正動起來!,2017...